LA CAJA DORADA. Style & Design.

The sumptuous gold, the opulent clothes, the refined stamped patterns… A boutique. A new retail concept. The reflection of the splendour of an era.

Interior design ideas for commercial business.The Concept.

The Victorian era like a landmark of culture and English fashion. The luxury as the highest symbol of the bourgeoisie. The severity and stiffness of a society thirsty of dignity.

The power and wealth incarnated by women, covered in great dresses with crinolines, wearing the most elegant accessories. Silk fabrics adorned with jewels, embellished hats with flowers and feathers, tailor made shoes…

Family and patriotism symbolized by men. Suited up men with flannel vests and velvet fabrics, holding women´s arm, full of virtue, represents the elegance and style of a chivalry era.

A boutique, a golden box, a luxury showcase… extravagant accessories of ostentation. The delicacy and the glamour of an age sheltered in a shiny space.

The Space.

A dazzling facade with guillotine type windows that lets us see the attracting and eccentric interior, carefully decorated. A gold cube that drags anyone into a universe of abundance. A pompous beauty.

A garbed interior with delicate patterns in cashmere, sinuous ornaments made of tin, and the natural attractiveness of streak marble. The influence of women of that time, dressing according to every moment, the social act or the status.

An umbrella stand, illumination that invites us to let go of hats, canes and umbrellas, a dresser, a retired barber counter that preserves its virility with dainty accessories. Shoes, headdress, gloves, a fitting room to reinvent.

Prosperity, the optimism and the morality of the Victorian England age. A century of great changes as a queen figure. A boutique that represents a period in history, a great exhibition.

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Commercial design. La Caja Dorada.