Before and After… Interior design and renovations of commercial spaces.
The creation or updating reforms of a business, takes multiple phases, more important the space, the sensations that transmit, this is the great potential of interior design. To achieve the right atmosphere, the business identity, the functionality and affinity with the client, delighting the view and going depth in the user.
It’s crucial to keep the venue connected to the needs of the actual market searching for a unique global experience in any sector that encompass the market and services.
To transform a venue without personality or with an out of date appearance, in a profitable business, it takes a laborious process, overtaking the contract projects from last year from a different angle, because an image can hide doubts, revealing the spectacular transformation. We are talking about the before and after.
To update the mythical venue and meeting point of nocturnal leisure in Teruel, it was commissioned by the Gorriz brothers, owners of El Refugio.
15 years of activity accumulates objects, a labyrinth of elements in a cohesive aesthetics, with this premise the interior design department, in close coordination with the property work in favour of a mountain atmosphere, cosier and homelike.
To reduce the investment and execution time, preserving the space spirit where clientele find refuge of the environment and hardship of the exterior, it will be the challenge. The furnishing of the venue did the rest, increasing the number of diners thanks to the incorporation of an original seating booth designed especially for this project.
The images speak for themselves of the result.
Creation or reforms of business
The application of irrelevant and unpublished ideas in interior design and decoration; a correct graphic design of the brand and some exclusive tangible elements (illumination, furniture, accessories); will do to create an emotional link with the user, generating a positive predisposition, previous to the experience.
Now a days any business faces the following:
An informed and educated user, motivated by the technological advances that in the last decade have modified the consumer habits that went from acquiring products and services to be in search of experiences and to search for different life styles.
An elevated competition, willing to reinvent itself distancing from the average market, evolving according to the taste and needs of the client, optimizing services and installations, willing to offer concepts and services, not conventional like a condition to achieve a profitable business.
Irrelevant and exclusive ideas, Mexquisito restaurant was another challenge, to sense that behind the structure the authentic personality of the space was hidden, the interior design team planed a demolition in search of iron beams and original bricks, returning to its original space, to achieve the impact in what you take out, not in what you put in. The challenge to undress instead of dressing.
It’s essential a differentiating aesthetic.
Singular attracting spaces that fall out of the expected decoration, they are inexcusable in the creation of new business or those that need some restyling, because an obsolete or untilled business is not a viable option.
Entrepreneurs and start-ups are conscious that putting all the illusions and expectations in hands of interior design professionals and the design of qualified, innovative and creative spaces, capable of giving character to the space, fulfilling the needs of the brand, exceeding the expectations of the user, without a doubt is an investment that guarantees success.
Hard to conceive due to the complex labour that a restoration needs or the new creation of a commercial interior project , notoriously culminating, with the intuition of an educated professional that goes further that trends and fashion.
Nº5 burger restaurnat had particular demand; the place was an old home in the historic centre of Castellón, turned into the meeting point of the city by the art of deconstruction. Broken beams, unusual facing, leather boiserie, unifying the chromatic range and illumination that cover this space transforming the atmosphere.
See Nº5 interior design project in Castellon
To reclaim the personality of the venue of Castellon in Madrid, adapting to their peculiarities and a leisure zone and very competitive. It needed a bigger imagination, an adventure; this is how a world of dreams was born under the aesthetic influence of the famous illusionist and French film maker George Méliés.
See Nº5 interior design project in Madrid
Francisco Segarra in its work as product designer, we add the direction of the interior design team that only gets involved in projects with an emotional element or peculiar characteristic. This is when the application of aesthetic knowledge and marketing together with the professional experience, are capable to surprise, making design without restrictions, borders, full of creativity and always on the forefront of design.