Ainara stool… The most beautiful of the bamboo cane.
Vegetation has become the main protagonist of the space decoration. We like nature, feeling close to it and enjoying moments and experiences surrounded by plants and flowers.
Both for interior spaces and for terraces, patios and gardens; the natural elements culminate any project bringing freshness and health to our decoration.
At first, they create a calm and healthy atmosphere which acts beneficially on our emotional well-being.
Plants and flowers to dye green a space… Noble materials such as wood or rattan to evoke the most peaceful rural life… And the bamboo cane to give an exotic dose that will make us dream of distant environments and foreign arts.
Our Ainara stool has been made for this! To show off its precious natural fibers of bamboo cane and enhance the more natural side of the decoration of your space.
Small, light, comfortable, and simply beautiful…
Discover all the possibilities of this stool, suitable for any contract or retail project.