Feel Wabi-Sabi. Traveling to the heart of space decoration…
In his love for design, Francisco Segarra wants to give a complete twist to the way we contemplate objects. And it is at their deepest essence where a new beauty emerges…
A beauty that completely departs from the current standards that govern around luxury and superficiality. In its aesthetic vision, it is the past that prevails and with it, all its changes…
Feel Wabi-Sabi is a collection of furniture and accessories that travels to the heart space decoration. The history of this restaurant, the spirit of this bar, the heart of this small business… It is all these intangible things that we can’t see but we can feel with our soul, that gradually arise to the surface through a cleaner and simply amazing style.
The Vicos hanger furniture in this endearing collection is the clear example of how we find a new connection with nature and with the authenticity of all the elements that are around us.