Feel Wabi-Sabi and the rebirth of objects.
Hospitality establishments open their doors to positive experiences, optimism, and pleasure. Leisure venues that work hard to offer the best of gastronomy in an environment specially designed to encourage our emotions.
Flavours, sounds, textures, and colours that connect with each other, that improve the atmosphere and that take care of stimulating our five senses. And even the least thoughtful element acts substantially in the proper functioning and development of a premises.
That’s why at Francisco Segarra, we take care of every design and every piece. Furniture and accessories that come to life in the expert hands of interior design professionals and take an important part at the heart of each project.
It is under this faithful commitment that our last decorative proposal saw the light. Feel Wabi-Sabi. A delicate, mystical, and artistic vision of design to connect more with life and attend to a kind of rebirth of objects and everything around us.
Behold each piece, feel its past in every mark, immerse yourself in its deep history and make it reborn with all your creative power.
Behind this beautiful clothes hanger rack, there is much more than utility and performance… There is a hidden beauty that hopes to see the light and harmonize more if possible our favourite premises.