Designs that last over time… FS TRADITION BRICK LT.
Tradition reaches our interiors through ceramic wall tiles that reproduce wonderful vintage designs. Those tilings that with the passage of time lost perfection, but gained feeling, come to this day thanks to innovation and the latest technology for ceramic decoration.
Layer Tech is a revolutionary digital layered printing technique that has allowed Peronda Group and Francisco Segarra to make a real a collection that is distinguished by its textures and contrasts, where perfection gives way to feeling and each contradiction, mark or deformity only increase its beauty.
FS TRADITION honors this ancestral art, because its shade variations, wonderful finishes and the combination of shines and roughness, remind us of the much valued old ceramic tiles.
We know that a tradition can and should acquire new expressions without losing its essence, that is why our illusion and our work strive to keep alive such unique designs.