Lovely Places for Lovely People. So Lovely Mediterranean. Sponsored by FS furniture.
Shopping and leisure meet in a proper atmosphere. The Mediterranean as the conductor. Francisco Segarra´s aesthetic is always in favour of a distinctive shopping experience. This is how the summer version of So Lovely was. So Lovely Mediterranean.
Much style with a cared design. This fourth edition, with more than 11,000 attendees in total. Shopping, gastronomy, trend, design and music as the y converge in the same space. A space to conceive originality. Sine qua non to promote an alternative shopping, with positive, exclusive and authentic experience.
Lovely Places for Lovely People.
Francisco Segarra, bearer and spur, of the genuine commercial spaces, extraordinary retailer, hosting this event, attending the demands of Ana Berganza y Raquel Nadal, The soul of So Lovely; Always restless in their labour to restore or highlight the beauty of the spaces ; were to conceive and generate surprising surroundings.
A privilege location, The Carmelitano Bodega from Benicassim, opens its doors to enjoy the afternoons with shopping and activities; and the nights with live concerts. With festive market has been an ally against all temperatures and a boost for the commercial development of the province.
This has been the first time that So Lovely undertakes an ephemeral restaurant, betting for a well-cared Mediterranean menu, designed especially for the occasion, by the hand of one of their chefs Chema Guerrero and Fernando Aledón.
Lovely Places for Lovely People. So Lovely Mediterranean. Sponsored by FS furniture. The spike´s geometry, the white and black, natural fibres. An ideal land. A small Paradise.