Francisco Segarra and the immutable beauty of antique wood.
We like the beautiful at first sight and it touches our souls. And in an artistic discipline such as decoration, there is no concept more subtle and versatile than beauty itself.
Proportion, symmetry, perfection… Beauty is often associated with a set of intrinsic aesthetic principles, but the search for beauty is also obtained through elements that awaken sensations and bring out feelings.
Longing, nostalgia, intimacy… It is not surprising that the passage of time is one of the main pillars of Francisco Segarra‘s own concept of beauty. According to him there is always something extremely beautiful in the old.
100% legitimate and with thousands of lives behind… Discover with us the unalterable beauty of antique wood through furniture that treasures a precious aesthetic and affective value.
Strokes, features and textures that are preserved…
Perhaps it is its seductive natural side. Or perhaps the versatile and beneficial properties it has, and which contribute so much… Being one of the most exploited raw materials by man, antique wood always dignifies the decoration of a space.
We find the best way to appreciate it through the most centuries-old pieces. Furniture and objects from another era, from another culture and from an everlasting beauty that touches everything in its path.
We must know how to feel its origin, appreciate its legend and admire its nobility. True to its essence, its beauty remains, but, over the years, wood has become more capricious and unpredictable.
Strokes that fade, features that age and textures that wrinkle… As if it were a natural patina, surfaces rebel and subtly hint at the obvious marks of their advanced age.
Rust, cracks, fissures… Slowly, wear and tear takes over them and the wood begins to suffer an intense and gradual deterioration. We are facing a natural process that, far from making it ugly, makes it even more expressive and fascinating.
Furniture with thousands of lives, spaces with multiple charms…
Where does it come from? Who will have used it? Enigmatic, endearing and so exciting… Behind an old wooden piece of furniture, there are thousands of hidden stories. A journey through time that makes us tremble with emotion.
In a grocery store, the activity is steady. Chopping boards, preserves, weights, scales… The counter furniture keeps everything. It becomes a witness of this frenetic activity and preserves through its white and aged wood the most authentic essence of traditional shops.
When you open the doors of this old bookstore furniture, you can still smell all what it has treasured. Faded, the wood plays with light and dark tones offering beautiful nuances that enhance the exhibition of the best products.
While the painting struggles to continue wearing its beautiful green tone, nostalgia has taken over that multidrawer furniture. A piece where the wood is more solid than ever and where thousands of feelings overflow.
Symbol of our old kitchens, this cupboard has aged naturally while still retains all the aroma of yesteryear. In its pickling, we intuit the maturity of the wood which gives it its warmest and most endearing character.
Thousands of lives and thousands of charms… We like antique wooden furniture at first sight, and it touches our soul. Now, embodying a sensitive and affective beauty, they help us to express endless feelings in today’s decoration.
Without it, Francisco Segarra would not be the same… Great protagonist of our antiques section, antique wood is part of our history. Discover its immutable beauty and design spaces that touch the spirit.