Ceramics on the menu. Facing tile ideal for bars & restaurants.
CERASPAÑA is a promotional digital magazine about ceramics, interior design and architecture, edited by ASCER (Spanish Association of Tiles manufactures and pavement ceramics) as part of their campaign for exterior promotion.
Edited twice a year, Ceraspaña international magazine is a showcase of innovations in the Spanish ceramics sector of its brand, Tile of Spain. This edition has a reduced number of pages where all the information is condensed and it talks about the best projects, trends, designs and congresses that are distributed among a broad data base of clients and subscribers to get to know the latest most relevant updates to discover the best applications to succeed in different professional fields.
In this new edition, number 37 shows how digital impression have marked a before and after, giving place to singular finishes in facing, just like textiles do, they can appeal to the sense of diversity and chromatic richness. Dynamiting the stay, differentiating the visual impact, its charm and evokes the artisan, denominated CERAMIC TEXTILES. Highlighted pieces that add personality to the decoration.
¨People tried to make our surroundings beautiful, by instinct since prehistoric times, when we decorated the walls of the caves we inhabited. In reality we have done it trough out the years in evolution, trying to better the comfort of our habitat.
But the interior design is strong when we talk about commercial business and establishments, and specially restaurants and bars. For architects and project designers that can turn it in an invitation to experimentation and in that ceramics can offer innumerable possibilities and variants.
In general technically there is a search in materials for projects, bars and restaurants can be resistant, impermeable, and hygienic and be able to offer versatility in design, few materials comply with all these characteristics like ceramics does.
Actually the mentality of the people in charge of restoring turns to design, creating spaces where the practice is not only about taste, but a group of experiences, when the idea becomes reality, the interior design is able to combine and achieve a special feeling¨ (CERASPAÑA). CERAMICS ON THE MENU.
In accordance with the editorial, the collection of ceramics facing designed exclusively by Francisco Segarra for Peronda Group is the fruit of new ceramic systems and manufacturing methods, his Vintage inspiration, the traditional ceramics appearance, the defined graphic with exclusive NCT technology (No contact technology), by means of application by a stream of ink on the R-9 category, international code of anti-sliding, turns the FS by Peronda Ceramics collection in the ideal product for floor and facing of the most popular leisure venues.
Pieces that instil character, pleasure the spaces and takes the project executed by Francisco Segarra in Nº5 Burger, occupy a spot among the bearer of Spanish Design.
The Melange model from the pavement collection and floor tiles designed by Francisco Segarra, has a peculiar aesthetics patchwork, where geometric designs are mixed with textiles, generating a mosaic of vintage inspiration that fits to perfection as floor tiles for decoration, the collection has colour tones where the blue predominates and pieces with earth tones.